Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Intent and Reflection for Re-genre

In our informative essay earlier this semester, I chose to explore Mayan culture, religious beliefs, and history. Although I find this anthropological information fascinating, it occurred to me during the writing that it may be difficult for people to visualize such an ancient and abstract culture. It is because of this that I have chosen my Mayan essay for a re-genre.

It is important to note that the Maya were a very artistic society. Much of what we know about their rituals is from the elaborate hieroglyphics found amongst elaborate architecture. I could describe much of this artwork in my essay but it would be very ineffective in truly allowing people to see how majestic it is.

Originally, I decided upon a comic book approach to help people visualize the work of the maya. However, as I continued working on the chosen medium, the information became very vague. I realized that I really only wanted to recreate the maya work myself. I decided to change my medium to a blog because although recreating Mayan glyphs and frescos in the form of sketches would be gratifying for me, the focused wouldn’t be on the Maya work and beliefs.

I have given a brief description of the what the Popol Vuh contains, some of the deities, and the importance of the ritual ball game. While this does not appeal to a younger audience, it is written with brief description. It is more like an overview of the Maya myths with artistic examples that are both original to Maya culture, as well as interpreted by others. This appeals to an audience that is computer literate. The language used could be understood by someone as young as a sophomore in high school.

I also like the blog as a medium because it will connect with a more personal audience. The majority of the people that will read a blog that I post are close friends, family, and some classmates. This is a good way for me to show others my interests and the work I have put in to learn about them.

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